Scripture guidance is clear
By the Rev. Clayton Childers, Director for Annual Conference Relations, General Board of Church & Society
The argument is being put forth that the United States cannot afford more immigrants, that we need to build a fence along our southern border, put new restrictions on legal immigration, and prosecute the estimated 10 million foreigners among us who do not have proper documentation. Yet our United Methodist General Conference, the denomination’s top policy-making body, disagreed with these arguments when it met in Ft. Worth, Texas, this spring.
In fact, by a vote of 825 to 29 it approved a resolution, “Welcoming the Migrant to the U.S.,” that said it is complicit to sin “to refuse to welcome migrants to this country and to stand by in silence while families are separated, individual freedoms are ignored, and the immigrant community in the United States is demonized by members of Congress and the media.”
We cannot accept that immigrants, even if they are here illegally, are beyond the scope of God’s concern.
Why is that?
Much of the Christian faith community’s response to this issue is grounded in its commitment to Holy Scripture. Many Christians believe our primary ethical reference point is the Bible. We cannot accept that immigrants, even if they are here illegally, are beyond the scope of God’s concern.
Jesus’ clear call
These people are our neighbors. And as neighbors we must wrestle with Jesus’ clear call to all those who would come after him to “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” If I love my neighbor, how can I accept that my neighbor should be treated differently than others in the community simply because my neighbor came from another country, or has skin that is a different color, or speaks another language.
Jesus’ command makes no such allowance. Jesus simply said “love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
Frankly, it is hard to get around this.
If I were an immigrant in a new land, how would I want people to treat me?
Jesus also called on his followers to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” If I were an immigrant in a new land, how would I want people to treat me? For Christians, these simple rules guide the way we live our lives, they govern our actions and affect our decision making.
Scripture further commands those who would follow God to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.” Legal systems that serve the interests of those who are the “haves” while oppressing the “have nots” are unjust and must be opposed.
For many of us who profess a biblically grounded faith, it seems inconceivable to believe that God would want us to turn our back on the very poorest among us while they suffer abuse at the hands of the majority.
Bible stories
The Bible is filled with stories of people displaced from their homes traveling to foreign countries to begin new lives. Many of us have had similar experiences: moving to new communities, new neighborhoods, new jobs, new schools.
We can identify with Abraham, Ruth, Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the disciples, Paul, Silas, Barnabas and many other itinerant biblical characters. Their stories, if we let ourselves remember, are also our stories. Their experiences are our experiences. All of them found themselves seeking the hospitality of strangers, at times being welcomed and other times being turned away.
The uncertain nature of immigration is not a new phenomenon. The plight of those suffering today is similar to that others have endured in previous eras.
Thus, scripture reminds us: “When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God (Leviticus 19:33-34).”
As people of faith we are expected to take seriously the message of God and apply it to our daily lives. For us, the abuse of aliens for us is not acceptable.
Date: 9/5/2008
Copyright 2008
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10 years ago
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